Membership Options

All categories of membership are currently available. Payment options are available. Please contact the Club Office to discuss

A membership application form is available to download above. Please complete this form and email it to the Club Office on , or post / return it to the Club Office. You can also pick up a form in the Club Office, Pro Shop or behind the Bar.

If you have any queries do not hesitate to contact us using the email or telephone contact details below.

Members who pay membership in full before 31 December will avail of a 5% reduction on their fees e.g. for a full member fees would be £775 (plus social supplement, golf insurance and Golf Ireland levy).

Member benefits include obtaining and holding an official handicap, weekly competitions, representing club teams, discounts on drinks and food purchased using Social Card and much more

Membership Category Male Membership Fee Lady Membership Fee Notes
Membership Category Membership Fee Notes